Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Friday, December 19, 2014

Israel may soon openly join fight against #IslamicState

ISIS Hones In On Israel as Jihadist Threat Looms - Israel News: "“The concern was that Jordan could not repel a full assault from ISIS on its own at this point,” a senator stated on condition of anonymity. “They will ask Israel and the United State for as much help as they can get.”"

Friday, December 12, 2014

Flooding in Lebanon results in call for more #publictransit

Zeaiter: Build public transport system | News , Lebanon News | THE DAILY STAR: "Separately, the minister dismissed public transportation in Lebanon as something that “did not actually exist,” and voiced his intention to modify and adopt an old plan to revive the sector.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

"The need of driving should be eradicated."

Chuck cars and opt for public transport means - Yahoo Maktoob News: "One of the best ways to reduce the risk of road accidents is to completely shift the preference of people using cars/ private vehicles to public transport, which is a ‘relatively' safer mode of transport.
"Car travel must be made expensive. There are several ways that private firms and authorities can work together to encourage people to use public transport," Tawab Kazemi, Technical Director at Transport Research Laboratory, told Khaleej Times on the sidelines of the Gulf Traffic Exhibition and Conference, which opened on Monday.
"The need of driving should be eradicated. Simple cooperative measures between companies and the transport authorities can fix this problem.""

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Free public transport in the #IslamicState #ISIS

Monday, December 1, 2014

MP says traffic is costing country's economy €50 million a year

MaltaToday: "The traffic congestion problems are costing the country economy up to €50 million, opposition MP Kristy Debono said.
Adressing Parliament, the MP said that based on conservative and “realistic” estimates, traffic is costing the country’s economy around €50 million a year."

Monday, November 24, 2014

Fear the the Islamic State brings old enemies US, Iran, together

TIME: "Even in the absence of a deal, word that talks between Iran and six world powers will continue for another seven months make plain a startling new reality: Iran and the United States now need each other."

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Best way to solve #climate and #energy problems?

Children going to school in Mosul
The human race is fighting wars over energy, while the climate deteriorates. What is the solution? Make buses free, make cities car-free, educate all children.

Photo from

Friday, October 31, 2014

Private auto used as a weapon, another reason to abolish it

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

#JohnCantlie humiliates western media propaganda machine

50 Countries have aligned to try to stop the Islamic State. They need to control the production and flow of gas and oil from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and the Caspian area.

They are dependent on a system of cars and sprawl. If private cars were abolished, energy waste would be reduced, and many systems would go bankrupt.

They have to win the media war against the Islamic State to keep this control.

John Cantlie, an #IS hostage, is reporting the truth and exposing their lies.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Oman plans public transport system to ease traffic woes

The National: "MUSCAT// Facing rapid population growth, daily traffic jams and a reputation for some of the world’s most dangerous roads, Oman is turning to public transit.

The government has commissioned a Spanish consulting firm to create a master plan for a bus and light-rail network in Muscat."

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Why Saudi Arabia will fall to #IslamicState #ISIS

US admits failure after three years in Syria, will start over from scratch. #energywars

McClatchy DC: "WASHINGTON — John Allen, the retired Marine general in charge of coordinating the U.S.-led coalition’s response to the Islamic State, confirmed Wednesday what Syrian rebel commanders have complained about for months – that the United States is ditching the old Free Syrian Army and building its own local ground force to use primarily in the fight against the Islamist extremists."

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

This is why #ISIS is so successful

Time to switch to public transit

Saudi Arabia News: "We, in Saudi Arabia, are also facing a similar situation. Actually, we have never thought about a public transport system due to obvious reasons: Fuel prices are very low and there is no import tax on cars, there is no parking fee in the cities.
Due to the above reasons, owning and maintaining a car is easier in the Kingdom. That is why the idea of public transportation never appealed the Saudis. On the contrary, keeping a car is very expensive in other parts of the world — fuel prices are high, one has to pay toll taxes and parking fee."

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Why Saudi Arabia will fall to #IslamicState

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

War in Syria is about gas pipelines

Syria’s Pipeline War: “Operation Gas Pains”: "Qatar wants a gas pipeline to Europe – through Syria. The Turks want the Qatar pipeline to Europe – through Turkey and Syria. Assad has blocked this pipeline. So now the Turks and Qatar both support the imported al Qaeda fighters who are trying to overthrow Assad.

Iran does not want the Quatar pipeline to Europe. They want their own pipeline to Europe – via Syria. So the Iranians are supporting Assad. But this proposed line goes through Lebanon (and then under sea to Europe) bypassing Turkey - who now want to get rid of Assad.

Russia does not want the proposed Qatar gas pipeline to Europe, where they export most of their gas. So they have supported the Assad military dictatorship, their client and puppet, who has blocked it on their behalf – until Assad agreed to the Iranian pipeline to Europe."

Monday, September 22, 2014

#Publictransit could save USD 100 Trillion

zmescience : "It may seem clear, but you need a study to have certainty: public transportation is cheap and “green”. A recent research concluded that effective public transit systems can provide a cost-effective solution to fighting global change at a global level.

If public transits are improved throughout the entire world, the report shows that urban transportation could be cut by more than half by 2050 and economies save in excess of US alone $100 trillion, also sparing 1.4 million lives every year!"

Monday, September 8, 2014

Israel Steals Gaza’s Offshore Natural Gas

Peak Oil News: "While Gazans suffer from daily power shutdowns, Israel is signing an important deal to sell gas to Jordan, gas which, researchers say, was stolen from Palestinians. In addition to confiscating Palestine’s energy resources, Israel has destroyed Gaza’s only power station in its latest military offensive."

Sunday, August 31, 2014

#KSA oil king panicking over success of #IslamicState

Mirror Online: "But King Abdullah warned unless the West puts aside party politics and confronted the threat there would be a terror attack within a month.

He said: “Terrorism is an evil force that must be fought with ­wisdom and speed. If ­neglected, after a month it will arrive in Europe and a month later in America.”"
The Islamic Caliphate is not a problem. The problem is US dependency on the private auto. The US has put all its eggs in one basket. Now there is no more cheap oil and its economy is collapsing. The solution is to make buses fare-free and end the waste of energy by ending autosprawl.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Egypt, Israel near major gas deal

Middle East Eye: "Egypt and Israel are reportedly finalising a deal that could mean the sale of $60 billion in Israeli natural gas to liquefication plants in Egypt."

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Iraq will be lucrative gas market for Iran

PressTV: "Last month, Iran’s Deputy Oil Minister for International Affairs and Trading Ali Majedi said Iran is expected to start pumping gas to Iraq early next Persian calendar year, which starts on March 21, 2015.

Iran has agreed to export 25 million cubic meters (mcm) a day of gas to Iraq, but the gas delivery will start at seven mcm per day."

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Painful, but necessary end to fuel subsidy

Trend.Az: "The plan is aimed at easing pressure on state finances by cutting tens of billions of dollars from government subsidies on food and fuel. The government pays cash to citizens as compensation for increased prices by cutting subsides.
In the first stage the government paid 45,500 rials to citizens to compensate for a partial cut of subsidies."

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Tripoli, Libya, start free public transport

Free Public Transport - Africa: "libyaherald : "In one of its last acts, Tripoli Local Council — soon to be replaced by the recently elected Tripoli Municipal Council — has made an agreement with the National Fast Transport Company to offer a free public bus service for Tripoli residents. The service is a response  to the petrol crisis in the city which has meant that many people cannot get to work.""

Monday, August 11, 2014


  • Who invaded Iraq in 2003 on false pretenses? 
  • Who bombed Iraq from 2003 to 2006 killing thousands of innocents?
  • Who destroyed Iraq infrastructure and created millions of Iraq refugees?
  • Who tortured people in Iraq prisons?
Was it IS or US?

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Dubai commuters welcome plans for more feeder buses

The National: "DUBAI // More feeder buses, new routes and better coordination with Dubai Metro timings will be in place soon, as per new plans by Dubai’s transport agency.

The Roads and Transport Authority said it would roll out the changes to accommodate the increasing number of commuters on some of its busy routes. Feeder buses help to connect passengers from the metro stations with neighbourhoods in the vicinity."

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Yemen fuel subsidies a bad investment, now the painful dividends

Yemen protests erupt after fuel price doubled - Middle East - Al Jazeera English: "According to new prices posted in the capital, Sanaa, the government raised regular petrol from $0.58 a litre to $0.93. Diesel used for public transport and trucks rose from $0.46 to $0.91.

The government spent about $3bn on energy subsidies last year, nearly a third of state revenue."

Friday, July 25, 2014

Israel in secret talks with BG on Palestinian gas

Globes English: "Sources inform ''Globes'' that Israel is in secret talks with BG Group plc (NYSE; LSE: BG) (British Gas), which owns the rights to the Palestinian Gaza Marine license, offshore from Gaza. The talks concern development of the reservoir for the Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza. The talks, which have been going on for several months, are unrelated to next week's visit by US President Barack Obama, but the subject will probably come up during his talks with Israeli leaders."

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Islamic State Provide Free Public Transport in Ninawa

Al Mustaqbal English | Islamic States – Caliphate of Abu Bakr Al Baghdady: "After repairing roads and rebuilding Ninawa province, which was destroyed by the war. Now the Islamic State provide free public transport for the citizen. Islamic State official media of Niniveh/Ninawa, post several photos that show the joy of people, they are glad with this policy.  Now people in the Islamic State can travel between cities in all regions of the Islamic State, with comfortable and easy."

Israel war machine runs on Arab oil and gas

al-mustaqbal: "As in the conquest of the Khaibar Fortress, so if we want to conquer Israel of course we have to cut the water channel (which at this present can be represented by petroleum pipeline) that leads to the castle (State of Israel). Yes brothers .. History is only repeating! Does that mean we have to fight the Arabian Peninsula countries that supply energy to Israel ?, Yes! As in the hadith of the Prophet: “You will fight the Arabian Peninsula then God won it. Then (you are fighting) the Persian the God won it. Then you are fighting against Rum and you win it then you are fighting Dajjal then God wins you over it. “(Muslim 5161),"

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Bus use up in Cyprus with help from free bus pass

Bus use up: "A significant increase was noted in intercity buses that connect the major towns with an increase of 82% in 2013.
In Nicosia, there was a rise in using buses by 11% since 2011, in Limassol it spiked 55%, in Paphos it was up 22% and in Famagusta there was a 40% surge. The amount of passengers recorded using buses in 2013, reached 25,833,173, including those who have a free bus pass. In Nicosia, 8,878,115 people used the bus, 5,513,698 in Limassol, 1,946,156 in Larnaca, 4,658,683 in Paphos and 3,844,815 in Famagusta."

Monday, July 21, 2014

Fighting for oil: 21st century energy wars

Middle East Eye: "The struggle over energy resources has been a conspicuous factor in many recent conflicts, including the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-1988, the Gulf War of 1990-1991, and the Sudanese Civil War of 1983-2005.  On first glance, the fossil-fuel factor in the most recent outbreaks of tension and fighting may seem less evident.  But look more closely and you’ll see that each of these conflicts is, at heart, an energy war."

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Dubai #publictransit use up 37%

Dubai RTA reports 262.5 million journeys using public transport in first half of 2014 | The National: "DUBAI // More than 262.5 million journeys were made in Dubai using public transport in the first half of 2014, a 37 per cent increase on last year, according to Roads and Transport Authority, RTA.

The RTA is seeking to raise the share of public transport means to 30 per cent by 2030."

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Gaza: Israel's $4 billion gas grab

@NafeezAhmed - The Ecologist: "Operation Cast Lead did not succeed in uprooting Hamas, but the conflict did take the lives of 1,387 Palestinians (773 of whom were civilians) and 9 Israelis (3 of whom were civilians).

Since the discovery of oil and gas in the Occupied Territories, resource competition has increasingly been at the heart of the conflict, motivated largely by Israel's increasing domestic energy woes.

Mark Turner, founder of the Research Journalism Initiative, reported that the siege of Gaza and ensuing military pressure was designed to "eliminate" Hamas as "a viable political entity in Gaza" to generate a "political climate" conducive to a gas deal.

This involved rehabilitating the defeated Fatah as the dominant political player in the West Bank, and "leveraging political tensions between the two parties, arming forces loyal to Abbas and the selective resumption of financial aid."

Ya'alon's comments in 2007 illustrate that the Israeli cabinet is not just concerned about Hamas - but concerned that if Palestinians develop their own gas resources, the resulting economic transformation could in turn fundamentally increase Palestinian clout."

Friday, July 18, 2014

UAE must improve public transport before trying to change lifestyles

The National: "How do we balance cheap fuel and having fewer cars on the road? If the issue is fewer cars then it’s about ensuring there is easy access to enhanced public transport at affordable prices.

Randall Mohammed, Dubai"

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

​Blood for gas: Why Bibi is punishing Gaza

RT Op-Edge: "So here’s the “secret” of Operation Protect the Zionists, sorry, Protective Edge: without smashing Hamas, which controls Gaza, Israel cannot drill off the Gaza coast. For Bibi as well as the Knesset, the possibility that the Palestinians could have access to their own gas-generated wealth is an absolute red line.

And the EU may be on it as well. No one in Brussels will admit it, but it’s easy to conceive “strategists” regarding this takeover of Palestinian gas fields opening the door in the future for the EU being less dependent on Gazprom, and a substantial importer of (stolen) Israeli gas.

Israel’s Newspeak is old news; after all they are masters of fooling no one but themselves. Expanding on what Michael Klare has brilliantly detailed, the new, open-ended, collective punishment inflicted on Gaza is most of all a blood-for-gas energy war."